The Celebration was amazing. That is a truly talented group of students. Two of them told me already what they want to play next year! I was so pleased with each and every performer. Congratulations to all the participants for an inspiring night of music . Thanks to all the parents for your support in getting the students prepared. I feel like it was a great experience for every performer and it was a success largely due to the fact that they all had polished the pieces thanks to the encouragement from parents.
For those who want to do Christmas music, we are starting this week. In October most students studied minor music and played some songs in a minor key. Some students played their songs in a major (happy) key then repeated it in a minor (sad or scary) key. More advanced students reviewed the 3 forms of the minor scale and analyzed music written in minor. They also played songs such as the Theme song from the Halloween movie and the Phantom of the Opera song.
I will be not teaching the last week of November, starting Monday Nov. 24 through Monday Dec. 1. The winter break will be starting Saturday December 20 through and including Tuesday January 6. I wish for all my studio families lovely holidays full of beautiful music.
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