Our main news is we will soon focus on the fall performance, which I call a Celebration to keep it relaxed and positive.
Celebration: (performance) Sunday November 6, 5:00 PM
The performance will be at the recital hall at Houston Piano Company.
Participation in the performance is optional, but I will assume a student is performing unless I am told otherwise. Last year some students chose to perform only one song and this seemed to work for their busy fall schedule. Students may choose to perform one or two songs. I will assume they are performing 2 unless I am told otherwise.
The fee for the performance is $40.00 per family, and will be included in the Oct. invoice.
PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE! They will choose the songs out of several choices, so they have “ownership” in their songs. They play one new song, and we learn this first, and then we review a song that they already know (and liked) for the second song. The intermediate students choose their songs first and then beginners wait until a little closer to the performance as their music does not take so long to prepare. If a sibling or neighbor starts their performance song before your student, don’t worry, we will be picking all the songs for everyone very soon.
Also, there are often specific goals we are working on for the week on their assignment book or posted on “sticky notes“ on their music. I will encourage all students to write how many minutes they practice each day on a chart on their assignment book, to help motivate them to work on their songs.
This performance is called a Celebration to emphasize the positive, relaxed and casual atmosphere. The word recital makes students nervous and we want this to feel more like a happy talent show instead of a stoic formal performance. Dress is casual and I usually dress in jeans to make my students comfortable. If a student wants to dress up they certainly can.
You are welcome to invite family and friends. Please let me know if you are bringing a huge group of friends so I can set up extra chairs. We love our audience! The more the merrier! You may want to let your friends know that we let the students play through both their songs so they can keep their concentration, then clap after both songs are finished (enthusiastically, not politely!)
The student must bring their music to the rehearsal and performance, as we do not memorize our music for the Celebration. Loose music must be in a binder that I provide at the lesson. If the music is from a book, make sure to bring that book.
Contact me at 832-492-5168
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